Finance Committee
The Finance Committee was formally established by the Board of Supervisors on October 8, 2009. The purpose of the Finance Committee is as an advisory committee that reports to and advises the Board of Supervisors on various financial matters. The financial matters to be reviewed by the Committee will be directed by the Board of Supervisors. This may include accounting and financial reporting requirements, annual audit reports, financial results (actual vs. budget), strategic financial plan, earned income, business and real estate taxes (collection & audits), investment of excess funds (short-term & long-term), bond issues and debt management, and other matters of a financial nature as directed by the Supervisors. Members are appointed to a three (3) year term.
Meeting Schedule:
Township Building
Second Tuesday of every month
7:30 PM
Members - Term Ending:
- Chairman, Vacant
- Tim Clemens - 12/31/2027
- Chris Eckardt - 12/31/2026
- George Witmayer - 12/31/2025
- John Dronson - 12/31/2025