Open Space Committee
The Open Space Committee was established following Montgomery County Open Space Ordinance and adopted by the Board of Supervisors September 30, 1996. The purpose of the Open Space Committee is to make recommendation to the Board of Supervisors and Township Staff regarding the acquisition, preservation and education of open space with the Township. In this capacity, the Committee regularly reports to and advises the Supervisors regarding planning, prioritizing and results of open space activity. Members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors to a three (3) year term.
The Economic Value of Open Space in Montgomery County
Meeting Schedule:
Township Building
Third Tuesday of January, March, May, July, September, November
7:30 PM
Members - Term Ending:
Barbara McMonagle, Chairman - 12/31/2027
John Feldi - 12/31/2027
Tim Clemens - 12/31/2027
Melody Leithold - 12/31/2027